Beaded Bottle Stoppers and Holiday Wine Tags
Make your wine shine with DIY beaded bottle stoppers and up your cute quotient with printable holiday wine tags.

Perfect for hostess gifts and a perennial favorite at “Dirty Santa”-type gift exchanges, there’s a wine for every price range. But a plain boring bottle? Nope, not for you! Not even during the hectic holiday season.
This project is literally so easy you could do it after consuming your own glass (bottle? I’m not judging!) of wine.
How to make beaded wine bottle stoppers:
You need:
- Beadable bottle stopper blanks
- Wide-hole beads (approx. 3mm holes, your choice of colors)
- Metal bead spacers (optional)

The bottle stopper hardware unscrews open so the beads can be added. I added a combination of large hole beads, including solid, rhinestone accented, and silver spacer beads. My hardware also included a little ring on the top, so I connected some small accent beads with jump rings as an extra accent. Screw the top back on the stopper hardware.
Admire your fabulous crafty skills. Oooh…ahhhh…

Bonus Free Printable Holiday Wine Tags:
To finish the gift, add a bottle of your favorite wine or beverage dressed up with these printable holiday wine bottle tags. Print, cut and slip over the neck of the bottle for a little extra festive detail! Download the bottle tags using the link below the image.

Give a set of beaded bottle stoppers to a wine-loving friend, or pair one with a bottle of your favorite new find (with a festive holiday tag) for an exchange gift everyone will want to steal.
Having your own party?
These holiday wine tags coordinate with my Holiday Lights and Christmas Lights printable parties. Yay for avoiding holiday traffic and getting party decorations in your pjs!
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I love these wine tags, they’re so fun! I’ve included you in this week’s Monday Funday features, . Thank you so much for sharing!