How to Paint a Bee-Inspired Mandala
Paint a bee-inspired mandala rock in bright sunny shades of yellow for an adorable mood-booster. This design is a great opportunity to practice a variety of mandala shapes, like dots, petals, and leaves.

When you’re taking your inspiration from animals, there are endless possibilities. An animal can influence your mandala’s color scheme. Use its unique pattern as a starting point, or highlight a characteristic feature.
In my bee mandala, I also included a piece of the animal’s environment into my design. If you’re just starting mandala painting, check out my step-by-step how to paint rock mandalas guide before beginning.
Excerpt and photos are from my book Mandala Rock Painting Made Simple. This post may contain affiliate links, I could earn a small commission from purchases at no cost to you.

To Paint a Bee-Inspired Mandala, You Will Need:
1 hour
Smooth 3-inch round rock
1-inch and 3/8-inch flat brushes;
Extra-small, small, and medium dotting tools;
3/0 and 20/0 round brushes
Gray, light yellow, golden yellow, white, and charcoal acrylic paints;
Spray-on varnish sealant
How to Paint a Bee Mandala
PREPARE THE ROCK AND BEGIN THE DESIGN. Paint the rock gray using the 1-inch flat brush, then use the 3/8-inch flat brush to paint a thick light yellow ring as shown.
Mark a grid (learn how to make a mandala grid). Use the 3/0 round brush to paint the bee’s body and head in the center of the grid using golden yellow and wings using white, then add stripes and antennae using charcoal paint.

PAINT THE CHARCOAL RING. Using the 20/0 round brush, paint a thin charcoal circle around the inner gray/yellow border.
Then paint alternating short and long lines outward around the circle. Finish the ring with a small charcoal dot on the end of each line.

PAINT THE WHITE PETAL RING. With the small dotting tool, begin on a grid line and dot and drag (How to Paint Swishes) a white petal from just inside the light yellow circle toward the center.
Make four petals per grid segment. Repeat around the circle for a total of 32 petals.

ADD GOLDEN YELLOW ELEMENTS. Beginning on a grid line, paint a golden yellow leaf shape outward from the light yellow circle. Repeat to make 16 equally spaced leaves.

PAINT FINAL DOT ACCENTS. Paint a medium white dot on each leaf and 2 extra-small white dots outward between each leaf.
Use the extra-small dotting tool to add tiny golden yellow dots to fill the remaining gray center space around the bee. Dry completely, then varnish.

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